The first time I thought about becoming a priest was October of 2010 at my grandmother's funeral at St. Bernard's Church in Tracy. We had just placed her casket at the foot of the altar and I made my way to the pew. I did not recognize the priest who was to celebrate her funeral mass. In my mind I thought it would mean a lot to have my pastor from back home be here to help celebrate this mass. In that moment I saw a shadow pass by the side door of the church and twenty seconds later, my pastor from home emerges from the sacristy.
It was in that same instant, by his mere presence, that I thought "wow, how amazing would it be to be a priest and be able to have such a positive impact on a person or family just by ones presence." This may be the moment I can pin point "the call", but it was once I was able to let go of my own plans, thoughts and ideas of where I was supposed to be in life that I believe God began calling me to His service and the service to others.
I have always liked the parable of the lost sheep. Throughout my life I have at times felt as the lost sheep, sometimes as the Shepard and sometimes like one of the ninety nine. It is a very simple and descriptive way to experience Jesus' love and forgiveness.
I really like Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis.